Tuesday, August 23, 2011

distinct Speaker Cable Lengths - Does it in fact Matter?

distinct Speaker Cable Lengths - Does it in fact Matter?

If you are at all curious in home theatre equipment then you will no doubt be aware that there is a huge argument about how long the speaker cables between two or more speakers assuredly needs to be. There's a lot of misinformation around that has led many citizen to believe that the length of the cables has to be kept identical, or at least roughly identical, in order to avoid time delays and phase problems.

Do a quick hunt of any audio-visual forum or website and you will see that one of the most base questions is about differences in speaker cable lengths. It's time to resolve this issue, so this article aims to show you why citizen think that they need to keep the length of their speaker cables identical, and possibly more importantly, why the idea that cables have to be the same length is a total myth.

Light Disco Ball DJ Equipment

A lot of this comes down to the manufacturers who sell exotic speaker cables. Promoting the idea that all runs of cable have to be the same length helps the manufacturers to generate a false sense of expertise in the eyes consumers, after all, the company that makes the cable is assuredly going to know what they are talking about, and if they say that cable lengths should be identical then assuredly it must be true, right? Of course, it also helps the manufacturer to sell more cable because consumers will happily buy more cable than they assuredly need.

As with most myths about technology, once a few citizen have been told that the cable should be the same length it soon becomes widespread and now you will find citizen preaching this idea throughout the audio-visual community.

Let's get this cleared up once and for all: differences in the length of your speaker cables doesn't matter one bit. There is assuredly no suspect why the runs of cable between your speakers need to be kept to identical lengths. So why do so many citizen argue that there is? Well it's plainly down to misinformation and misunderstanding.

The main argument for retention speaker cable runs the same length is that it helps to avoid any delays or phase problems which would otherwise occur. Now, there is assuredly some truth behind the idea that cable length can cause delays - obviously it takes slightly longer for a signal to voyage along a cable that is a few hundred feet long compared with a cable that is just 2 or 3 feet long.

On the face of it you may be tempted to accept the argument that each speaker in your law should be fed by a cable that is the same length, that way you can be sure that all of your speakers receive the signal at exactly the same time and you will therefore avoid any delays or phase issues.

The problem with this argument though is that typical home theatre installations are on such a small scale that distinct lengths of speaker cable make assuredly no impact at all! In order for this to come to be relevant we would have to be dealing with cables that were over 500 feet in length, and even then the differences in signal delay would still be unnoticeable to most people. That being the case, there is assuredly no problem with using speaker cables of distinct lengths.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that you should keep your runs of cable the same length feel free to ignore them! In fact in most cases it's normally advisable to keep speaker cables as short as possible, which assuredly makes it much economy since you are only buying the amount of cable that you assuredly need. Just remember to keep the cable long sufficient to voyage around furniture, or around the edge of the room if needed.

distinct Speaker Cable Lengths - Does it in fact Matter?

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